


LHS Band Boosters

Our Bands

See what the LHS Bands Offer!

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Marching Band

The Leonardtown High School Marching Band is a dynamic and passionate ensemble based in Leonardtown, Maryland. Renowned for its musicality, precision, and spirited performances, the band is a central part of the school’s cultural and extracurricular offerings. Serving as both musicians and ambassadors for the school, the band performs at a variety of events, including local parades, home football games, and regional competitions, showcasing their talents and representing their school with pride.

Under the dedicated direction of skilled instructors, the marching band combines instrumental excellence with visually stunning field shows. The band's repertoire spans an eclectic mix of genres, from classical arrangements to modern pop hits, providing something for everyone. Precision in marching, combined with creative formations and synchronized routines, adds an impressive visual element to their musical displays.

Beyond performance, the band fosters an inclusive and supportive community that promotes teamwork, discipline, and leadership among its members. Open to students of all grade levels and musical backgrounds, the program provides opportunities for growth both as musicians and as individuals.

With a rich tradition of excellence, the Leonardtown High School Marching Band continues to inspire audiences and uphold its reputation as a source of pride for the school and the greater Leonardtown community. Whether at competitions, halftime shows, or community events, the band's commitment to excellence is evident in every performance.

Jazz Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble is a performing ensemble consisting of saxophones (alto, tenor, bari), trombones, trumpets, percussion (piano, drums), guitar and bass. Rehearsals occur every day during the school year. The band performs three concerts during the school year (one in October, one in December and one in May). We also play at community events such as the Wildewood Retirement Community and the Naval Air Station during the holidays. The pieces performed will include works from diverse jazz genres selected to expose students to a wide variety of different jazz styles and techniques. All pieces will have goals aimed at teaching/learning core objectives and entertaining. Students will get a basic understanding of jazz history and techniques as well as become familiar with important jazz musicians and composers. Music will be selected based on the ensemble talent level and other curricular goals. Students will be given materials and skills needed to improve their musicianship and improvisation skills. Jazz Ensemble is open to all students in grades 9-12. If there is a high demand for placement in Jazz Ensemble, an audition process may be used. 

Concert Band

Concert Band is a performing ensemble consisting of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Rehearsals occur every day during the school year. The band performs three concerts each year (one in December, one in May and one in June). The pieces performed will include popular and classical works from diverse genres selected to expose the students to a wide variety of musical types and examples of quality ensemble music. All pieces will have goals aimed at teaching/learning core objectives and entertaining. Music will be selected based on the ensemble talent level and other curricular goals. Students will focus on improving basic sound production techniques and improving ensemble skills. Listening, breathing and rhythmic study will be used often to give students a solid playing foundation that will help them as the move up to higher level ensembles. All incoming students to the high school are placed into Concert Band. Placement in Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble is possible through an audition process with Mr. Martin either during the end of the school year or during summer break.  

Symphonic Band

Symphonic Band is a performing ensemble consisting of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Rehearsals occur every day during the school year. The band performs three concerts each year (one in December, one in May and one in June). The pieces performed will include popular and classical works from diverse genres selected to expose students to a wide variety of musical types and examples of quality ensemble music. All pieces will have goals aimed at teaching/learning core objectives and entertaining. As a higher level ensemble, students will be challenged with higher level music which may take some outside rehearsal practice time to be ready for performance. This is the student’s responsibility to prepare their individual parts. Students will also be challenged with higher level thinking and evaluation. Lesson materials will be selected and assigned to provide the students with increasing capabilities on their instruments. This ensemble is made up primarily of 10-12 grade students. Placement in this ensemble in 9th grade is available through an audition with Mr. Martin.  

Wind Ensemble

Wind Ensemble is a performing ensemble consisting of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Rehearsals occur during 0 Period every day during the school year from 7:10-7:45 am. Students are to provide their own transportation to school as class begins before buses arrive. The band performs three concerts each year (one in December and one in May and one in June). The pieces performed will include popular and classical works from diverse genres selected to expose the students to a wide variety of musical types and examples of quality ensemble music. All pieces will have goals aimed at teaching/learning core objectives and entertaining. As the highest level ensemble, students will be challenged with higher level music which will take some outside rehearsal practice time to be ready for performance. This is the student’s responsibility to prepare their individual parts. Students will also be challenged with higher level thinking processes and evaluations. Lesson materials will be selected and assigned to provide the students with increasing capabilities on their instruments. This ensemble is made up of primarily 10-12 grade students. Placement in this ensemble in 9th grade is available through an audition with Mr. Martin.  

Pit Band

Pit Band is a performing ensemble consisting of strings, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Rehearsals occur twice a week from January to March after school. The pit band plays for the school musical and adds to the overall production. They perform for all four musical performances which are typically in the end of March. This band is open to all students in grades 9-12 who are interested. If interest is high, an audition process may be used.

We are currently looking for interested students to sign up for Pit Band. If you are interested, please see Mr. Martin in the Band Room!

Other Opportunities 

There are many other opportunities to continue playing and improving on your instrument. I have listed some below and will update this page as I receive information for more. Please see Mr. Martin if you are interested in any opportunities below.

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